Mondays Managed will feature fun organizational quests and home decorating adventures! I have a new color pallet in mind and several cans of spray paint just waiting to be used!




Not so Managed
Today I feel like this.....
{Yes, those are 9 Golden Retriever puppies laying on my moms bed}
However, my day is actually quite the opposite.
My mom is out of town visiting my brother so while my dad is at work during the day, I come over to snuggle the dogs and let them out to do their thang.
{FYI-there are only 2 puppies and the mom and dad dogs left-they are done selling them}.
I brought my dog, Harley, with me so that he wasn't left at home and things went crazy!
Normally, all the dogs would get along fine, but since the mommy doggy has had her pups, she let my poor dog know that this was her house and he was not welcome.
So, my morning has been quite stressful and I am all ready to call it a day.
I'm thinking I'll go home and do some Zumba to shake out this funk I'm now in and then take a long shower.

So, I am totally unprepared for my Monday post....I was just a little busy this weekend! So I am going to show you all something that I did a while ago.
My picture wall!!
I wanted to be able to display photos of our entire family. We have a lot of cousins and aunties and uncles and even grandma and grandpa who live out of town and I wanted my little bug to be able to constantly see their photos so that he will remember who they are!
I have TONS of picture frames in all sorts of different sizes and colors. I started collecting them when husband and I first moved in together about 6 or 7 years ago and after we moved to our current home, I boxed them all up because they just weren't 'sophisticated' enough for me anymore.
I went through my large bin of frames and pulled out the ones that I was interested in using {the rest I ended up taking to the D.I.}. I also grabbed a large, colorful mirror that I had but figured I wouldn't ever put up again. I wanted something uniform, though, so I bought myself a can of shiny black spray paint and got to work!
I laid out some brown paper in the garage and placed the frames on top, then started spraying!!
What a difference! I have a new found love for these frames now.
I let them stay outside for a while and then once they were dry enough, I brought them inside to dry overnight so I could park the car in the garage ;)
Next, I printed out the photos that I wanted to use {just using my photo printer} and put them in the frames so I knew if I needed to hang them vertically or horizontally. After that, I spent at least an hour with my frames on the floor trying to 'map' out how I would hang them {sorry, I apparently did not take a picture of this part of the process, I thought I did, but can't find it!}. Then I started putting holes in my wall.
19 to be exact. YIKES!
I even went so far as to spray paint the ugly thermostat that happened to be on that wall so it wouldn't stand out so much!
Ironing Board
Okay-So, this isn't much of a project......
but I'm sure excited about it!

A while ago I decided to wash the cover of my mini ironing board that I use for all of my sewing needs.
Big mistake.
I, as is normal practice for me, shrunk it!
It wouldn't fit around the board enough to stay in place.
It drove me crazy!
But it was all I had so I just used it as is...

I decided I was over it one day and decided to make a new cover!
I grabbed some extra fabric that I had.
{yes, it's a boring color but I don't plan on using it forever.....
I have cuter plans for a tabletop ironing board once I have a real craft room again!}
I placed the cushiony part {yep, i'm really calling it that} on top of my fabric and cut around it.

I wasn't interested in it being perfectly straight so I just cut!
Then I took the string from the old cover and placed it near the edge of the new fabric.
Then I folded the fabric edges over about a half inch or so and sewed!
I was assuming that it wasn't going to work since I was totally making it up as I went along and free-handed all my cutting.
But when I put the cover on the board and pulled the string tight....
it actually worked!

I am beyond thrilled!
To you, it may just be a boring old ironing board.

But to me!'s a USEABLE boring old ironing board again,
and I love it!
Homemade Crayons

My little bug has built up a plethora of crayons over the years.
I hate to just throw them away but most of them were broken and too small to color with.
I found a crayon tutorial on Little Birdie Secrets and was excited to give it a try!
I bought some silicon trays from Ikea {at just over $1 each}.
Bug and I pealed the paper off of the crayons and then broke them into smaller pieces.
Then we put them into the trays mixing different shades of each color.
According to her directions, I baked them at 200 degrees for about 35 minutes.
I let them cool for several hours and then popped them right out!
The kids had so much fun coloring with them!
The silicon trays are ruined, to say the least.
I can't get the wax out through scrubbing or re-heating them in the oven.
So, the trays will just specifically be used for crayon making now and I'm okay with that ;}
Mother's Day Gift
Oh Hush!
I know, I'm a little late with this post.
I honestly thought that I had set it to post the day after Mother's day...but it didn't!
Oh well!
I just wanted to show you a little something I whipped up
for my fabulous mommy's for mothers day!

It was super cheap and super easy!
I found some frames from Walmart for $.97!
Then I spray painted them slate blue.
I printed out a cute little saying I got from Holiday Snobs.
Then I made a cute little flower {and button} to add a little extra.

I think they turned out cute!
I love the simplicity!

Easy. Inexpensive. With Love
I love to accessorize!
I love wearing hair bows, headbands, and all sorts of big jewelry!
I've always wondered why I don't just make my own....
So...I finally made my own headbands!
I found some really cute trim at JoAnns and already had some plain headbands that I use on a regular basis so I decided to fancy them up!

It was the easiest thing in the world! I just hot glued the black flower trim onto a thicker headband
and then sewed the blue trim onto my stretchy headband with the same color of thread.
It took me all of 5 minutes to make both of these!

They are so much fun and add a little extra pop to my outfits!
{No, I'm not wearing a bumpIt! I was just having a very full hair day!!}

Next up......homemade cuff bracelet!
I have an obsession. I love jewelry.
And not just any jewelry-BIG jewelry!
Though I do love me some simple pink pearl earrings,
I also love me some huge chandelier earrings and necklaces!
A couple of weeks back, Ashley from

{one of THE best blogs on this planet, by the way!}
did an eye spy edition of her shoes and jewelry
{yes, I am a shoe gal as well!}!
I fell in L.O.V.E. with her jewelry holders!
I have been on the lookout for the perfect jewelry holders for quite some time now and was in absolute heaven when I saw hers!!
This is a pic of her uber cute holders.
Are you drooling as much as I am right now?!!!!
I can't get over them!
They are the perfect colors
The perfect size
The perfect style
And EXACTLY what I am looking for!
So why not go out and get my own???
They are no where to be found!
The creamy white tiered one on the right is from PB teen and is called
Vintage Iron Jewelry Holder
The robbins egg blue birdcage holder on the left was from Marshalls
I have searched up and down online for these babies.
The PB holder is no longer sold.
I couldn't even find the Marshalls holder :(
I even checked all over Amazon and Ebay.
I am so sad!!
I finally find exactly what I want and I can't have it!!!
Don't you just hate that feeling!
Am I going to give up?
Absolutely not!
I will keep searching until these perfect little treasures are in my hands!
Soooo.......if anyone out there has any free time
or just so happens to see one of these lovelies floating around TJ Maxx or something,
please let me know ASAP!!
I can't take any chances with anyone else snatching them before I do!
Not so Managed
Today I feel like this.....
{Yes, those are 9 Golden Retriever puppies laying on my moms bed}
However, my day is actually quite the opposite.
My mom is out of town visiting my brother so while my dad is at work during the day, I come over to snuggle the dogs and let them out to do their thang.
{FYI-there are only 2 puppies and the mom and dad dogs left-they are done selling them}.
I brought my dog, Harley, with me so that he wasn't left at home and things went crazy!
Normally, all the dogs would get along fine, but since the mommy doggy has had her pups, she let my poor dog know that this was her house and he was not welcome.
So, my morning has been quite stressful and I am all ready to call it a day.
I'm thinking I'll go home and do some Zumba to shake out this funk I'm now in and then take a long shower.
A Clean Purse!
I love purses! I have several! Lime green, grey, pink, yellow floral and even a fuchsia clutch!
This particular purse was really the first 'sophisticated' purse that I have purchased! I bought it about 2 years ago and used it for a good solid year. I just love it!
The creamy color seems just so fancy to me!

Well, as all purses do that get good use out of them, it got dirty. Really dirty. It looked more of a dirty grey then the creamy color it used to be. A regular old wipee just didn't seem to do the trick {wipees are my go to cleaner!!} so I asked my mom {my go to person for just about everything!} and she suggested a Magic Eraser.

So I started scrubbing. WOW! After only 3 swipes, I could see a HUGE difference! Hooray! It was going to work! I am hoping you can tell the difference from the photo below. I cleaned the part just under the zipper pull first. I was so excited!

You can see a little bit on this one {the photo is kind of blurry}. I cleaned the left side of this part of the purse, but not the right. Big difference! As I was cleaning it, you could see the gross brown water dripping off the purse from all the dirt that I was scrubbing off!

After I used the Magic Eraser, I wiped it down with a wet paper towel. I am so happy with the results! It looks {almost} as good as it did when I bought it! And after having it sit on a shelf in my closet for the last year, I am excited to use it again! It's just like buying a new purse!

So if you have a purse hiding in your closet, pull it out and give it a scrub!
You'll be amazed at the difference!!!
So, I am totally unprepared for my Monday post....I was just a little busy this weekend! So I am going to show you all something that I did a while ago.
My picture wall!!
I wanted to be able to display photos of our entire family. We have a lot of cousins and aunties and uncles and even grandma and grandpa who live out of town and I wanted my little bug to be able to constantly see their photos so that he will remember who they are!
I have TONS of picture frames in all sorts of different sizes and colors. I started collecting them when husband and I first moved in together about 6 or 7 years ago and after we moved to our current home, I boxed them all up because they just weren't 'sophisticated' enough for me anymore.
I went through my large bin of frames and pulled out the ones that I was interested in using {the rest I ended up taking to the D.I.}. I also grabbed a large, colorful mirror that I had but figured I wouldn't ever put up again. I wanted something uniform, though, so I bought myself a can of shiny black spray paint and got to work!
I laid out some brown paper in the garage and placed the frames on top, then started spraying!!
What a difference! I have a new found love for these frames now.
I let them stay outside for a while and then once they were dry enough, I brought them inside to dry overnight so I could park the car in the garage ;)
Next, I printed out the photos that I wanted to use {just using my photo printer} and put them in the frames so I knew if I needed to hang them vertically or horizontally. After that, I spent at least an hour with my frames on the floor trying to 'map' out how I would hang them {sorry, I apparently did not take a picture of this part of the process, I thought I did, but can't find it!}. Then I started putting holes in my wall.
19 to be exact. YIKES!
I even went so far as to spray paint the ugly thermostat that happened to be on that wall so it wouldn't stand out so much!
{There have been some new additions to the family since I hung the frames so I'm already in need of printing new photos for some of the frames!}

I just LOVE how it turned out! I know that it does not look professional, by any means, but it was my first attempt at a picture wall so I'll take it!!
My little bug likes it too! He constantly looks at it and says everyones names so it was definitely worth it!
Time well spent! And it only cost me a can of spray paint!