This is our first baby!
Harley David Browning was born in October of 2005 and we got to take him home in January of 2006. He is a Boxer {and I don't just mean the breed! When this guy plays, he will seriously swat at you with his paws just like a real boxer!}
We couldn't have asked for a better friend. We L.O.V.E. him to pieces! He is such a good boy!
He has the sweetest personality! He loves his mama, that's for sure and he is a great guard dog too! When husband is out of town or just out with friends until the wee hours of the morning, Harley is so attentive! Seriously, I cannot sleep when husband isn't home because Harley growls or gets up at every noise to check it out and make sure his mama is safe!
He has always been allowed to sleep in bed with us {could you say no to that face!}. He sleeps on my side, usually at my feet, so he isn't in daddy's way.
I position myself around him {yes, he is that spoiled!}.
Harley loves car rides! I think that we had just gotten into the parking lot of puppy training school and I turned around to see him sitting in my nieces car seat {that i had in my car}!
He is so funny!
Harley was about 2 1/2 when we had our little bug, Jase. They instantly became best friends! Harley is so gentle with babies! Whenever bug would fuss, Harley would be right by his side!
He would usually stare at me with a look on his face like "uh, are you gonna do something about that?"!!
Harley is such a good sport too! Jase will lay on top of him or sit behind him on the couch with his legs draped over him. He even sat still long enough for us to put this Halloween wig on him for all of 3.5 seconds!
{Please, no pictures mom!}

When solicitors come to the door, they always ask if he's a nice dog. He doesn't bark too often but when I open the door to strangers, he lets them know that he is ready to protect his family! Husband tells me that I need to tell the solicitors "nope, he's vicious and will bite you if you get too close!" hehe He really is as gentle as they come though! He is playful and gets excited when people come over to play, but once they've all settled in, he does too!

Harley gets included on all of our yearly photo shoots~~~he is an equal part of our family!
We have had some scares with him, that's for sure. If he gets out the front door, he RUNS! He loves to run and, though he is good at listening when he is inside, he doesn't listen when he's outside! We've had to get in the car and chase him down a few times!
He also had a benign tumor removed from his foot about a year ago. He is such a trooper!

I mean, c'mon! Wouldn't you wanna snuggle up to this!


I just found your blog via I heart naptime. :) I was so excited when I read that you have a boxer! We have a sweet girl we rescued in 2009 and had a male that passed away last July. We just had a baby 4 months ago and Abi (our boxer) is just so sweet, gentle and protective of the baby! Your family is so sweet. Was he a rescue? He is super cute! :)
YAY Congrats, that is awesome!
You seriously have the cutest family ever :)
xoxo, ashley
Oh My Gosh! I LOVE It! Your blog is super cute I am your newest follower~;)
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